
勉強はブロガーでやめて ミックシに引越したので
英語のブログはまだ続いててよろしければ「My original daily life blog<--Is that even English?」どうぞ


A note on Japanese Manga...

A note on Japanese Manga...

"By the expression on your face, it looks like you want to ask (me) something, right? "
Although this has been explained in a thousand places elsewhere (and I'll be moving this post back to nihongomadness at somepoint...), the style of writing like the above can often be found in most manga out there today. The reason why I am writing about this particular quote from るろうに剣心 is that if you'll notice... 表情(ひょうじょう) has the ruby of かお instead of ひょうじょう.  かお is not a reading of 表情, but in fact the author being clever. ひょうじょう means facial expression, whereas かお simply means face... the reason for the different reading in this case is a simplification for younger readers. Older, more kanji savvy readers will skip the ruby and get the correct word. 

Other situations where this type of ruby is used is when the author wants to give a more precise meaning to a concept through the combination of two individual words.  I wonder if this is the 'strange readings' phenomena that was recently pointed out to me by someone else out there...

It really is a beautiful marraige of Kanji and Ruby(furigana). A more practical use of Ruby, as a quick aside, is for Japanese worksheets. Put tingthe English spelling over unknown vocabulary words when the kids are going from Japanese to English. But that's another post altogether.

顔射王様 out.

And it all ties back to: My original daily life blog


2級 勉強のから読み取った

中心地(ちゅうしんち) - heart land
(くやし)し い - Vexing Regrettable
ほっとつる - to feel relieved

費用(ひよう) - Expense
変化(へんか) - Change
事故(じこ) - Accident

犯罪(はんざい) - Crime
普及(ふきゅう) - Popularize
被害妄想(ひがいもうそう) (きょう) - Chronicly Paranoid Person

代理(だいり) - Proxy
首相(しゅしょう) - Prime Minister
首相(しゅしょう) にかわり 、 外相(がいしょう) が アメリカ を 訪問(ほうもん) した   (In lieu of the Prime minister, the Foreign Minister interviewed america...)

首相(しゅしょう) にかわり 外相(がいしょう) によって アメリカ は 訪問(ほうもん) さられた 。 (In lieu of the Prime Minister, America was interviewed by the Prime Minister.)

程度(ていど) Extent
(りょう) - Amount
品質(ひんしつ) - (Product) Quality

研究(けんきゅう) - Research, Study
習慣(しゅうかん) - Custom, Practic
判断(はんだん) - Conclusion

評価(ひょうか)   - Valuation
責任(せきにん)   - Responsibility
手段(しゅだん)   ?   A means

原因(げんいん) - A Cause
理由(りゆう) - A Reason
副作用(ふくさよう) - Side Effect

伝聞(でんぶん) - Rumor
根拠(こんきょ) - Basis
(まんなか)(じゅうよう) - Exact Center

重要(さんこう) - Important, Weighty
参考(えいきょう) - Reference, Consult
影響() - Influence


2005-11-04 Grammar Terms

名詞修飾型 - The Object modifier form of things...
interesting note: they usually write 形 instead of 型 laziness or?

使用語彙と表記: How to use this book :)

接続: a connection (Also used for LAN connection / Adapater names... ) In this book perhaps used in the context of icons...
方々 - Here and there, all places...
原則 - Fundamental Ruke, principle (vs 基本 or foundations)
な形容詞 - Adjective (形容詞的 - Adjectival)
擬音語 (~擬声語) - an onomatopoeic word バリバリ -
擬態語ー Mimetic Word -
訓令式 - Kunrei Shiki - Romanization system of Japanese...
平仮名 - Hiragana (didn't know that one's Kanji)
片仮名 - Katakana (nor that one)
算用数字 - Arabic Numerals -
機能語 - Keyword
一つの機能語にOne Keyword
趣旨 - Purpose
複数 - Plurals

In the case that a keyword has more than one meaning, it's been split into ABC's...


School Board Today

朝打ち合わせ: 8:15
修了式(閉町セレモニー) - Closing Ceremony for the school year :) Closing Ceremony for the town...
臨時打ち合わせ: Non-Scheduled Meeting 1:00。。。 One off Meeting ?
部活動中止: Club Activities Stop



保護観察処分 -Probation Officer


From Cluster ProgreSQL Docs

高可用性 - こうかようせい - High Availability
目次 ー もくじ - TOC
利用実績 - Utilization Numbers (Market Share)
大規模システム^の適用- Pressing towards Large Scale Systems
比較 - Comparison 


CLAIR 中級の表現

jGram Entries added...
そうすると  - That means, you mean - used to bring up a new topic in response to something someone said.
のかたわら - On the side, besides... this was indicated as archaic and not in use so much.
苦にならない -Without much trouble...
まけせてください - Leave it to me!

正面 - the front...
交換手 【こうかんしゅ】 (n) operator (e.g. telephone)

にくい - Difficult to do



授業変更 - Class (Schedule) Alteration 工期金
保育所訪問 - Nursery School Interviews
学年会(学習実態調査) - Factual Investigations into Learning?

まかせてください - Leave it to me

総合レポート提げ出しめきり - Deadline to turn in/give out a Synthasized Report ... Still not entirely clear on this one.



提げる - used for telling the students to push their desks out of the way...
自由参観週間(~25日) - Open House From the 25th.... (must be prep work)
児童集会(保健:給食) - Children's Morning Meeting (Insurance and Lunch being topics of discussion)
クラブ展示発表会 - Club Activities Exhibition...

Worked a few new verbs and more natural Japanese into class today, went over very well.



1.2年部活動中止ま (入室禁止)
パンコン検定 (14~)
学習T来校 - The tutors are coming, the tutors are coming!



公立高校出願 - Public High School Applications (not a clue on the context for usage...)


Today's New School Vocab

職員会議 - Teacher's Meeting
新年度計画全体員会 - Next Financial Year's Budgeting Meeting
簡単清掃 * 帰りの会含めて(かい。ふくめて) - Easy Cleaning Time / Going Home Homeroom included (I think that's the best I can get out of it)
3年学年末考査 (ねんがくとしまつこうさ) 2日目 - Year End Finals
5の日運動 - 5th Day Exercise!
学習丁来校 - まだ