2005-11-04 Grammar Terms
名詞修飾型 - The Object modifier form of things...
interesting note: they usually write 形 instead of 型 laziness or?
使用語彙と表記: How to use this book :)
接続: a connection (Also used for LAN connection / Adapater names... ) In this book perhaps used in the context of icons...
方々 - Here and there, all places...
原則 - Fundamental Ruke, principle (vs 基本 or foundations)
な形容詞 - Adjective (形容詞的 - Adjectival)
擬音語 (~擬声語) - an onomatopoeic word バリバリ -
擬態語ー Mimetic Word -
訓令式 - Kunrei Shiki - Romanization system of Japanese...
平仮名 - Hiragana (didn't know that one's Kanji)
片仮名 - Katakana (nor that one)
算用数字 - Arabic Numerals -
機能語 - Keyword
一つの機能語にOne Keyword
趣旨 - Purpose
複数 - Plurals
In the case that a keyword has more than one meaning, it's been split into ABC's...